Our Monthly Lessons
Honey harvest, grape harvest, jam, root crop harvest, polytunnel planting, garlic planting and cleaning, mushroom hunting, spore prints, leaf rubbing, leaf dipping, hiking, stick art, apple study, monarch study, Fall study, reduce, reuse and recycle lessons, making friends, emotions, learning how to stay safe and get along.
Put in fence posts, move chickens, harvest greens from tunnel, mulch garden, orchard and blueberries with compost, leaves and woodchips, weed and feed berries and orchard, make cider, harvest pears, carve pumpkins and roast seeds, make Echinacea tincture, dry herbs for winter, Fall study, pumpkin study, tree study, acorn study, letter, number and shape recognition.
Turn compost, cut back perennials, rake leaves, stack wood, wrap bees, make soap, candles and lip balm, make lanterns, daily hikes, harvest greens and kale, plant new fruit trees or berries, new strawberry beds, trail maintenence, leaf rubbing, hiking, migration study, more letter, number and shape recognition. Writing first names (Capital in front, lowercase beyond.)
Craft time! Felted ornaments, sun catchers, birdhouse gourds, tracking, snowplay?, solstice lanterns, holiday crafts, wreath and swag making, forcing hyacinths and paperwhites, seed catalog shopping, hibernation study, weather study, snow study, fine motor practice indoors. Letters A-G spiral review.
Make paper from our recyclables, make tools, build birdboxes, grind corn, popcorn, make potions, use a microscope, visit with rescued owls, make felt, learn to sew a pillow, paint, snow play, Winter study, tracking, greenhouse visits, animal check-ins and feeding, wild bird ID and seed feeders, snowmen, snowshoeing, sledding, yoga, bread baking.
Seed organizing and ordering, soil mixing, seed starting box plugged in and checked, paper pots, soil blocks, onions and scallions planted, snow play, sledding, snowshoeing, tracking, fossil study, porcupine study, soapmaking, Spanish lessons, firewood gathering and bucket prep for maple season.
Seeding, watering, greenhouse temperature management, animal babies, maple syruping, migration study, mud play, Spring study, painting, spring cleaning, pollution study, wildflower seed bombs, frost seeding the pastures, stream study, pond study, peepers and wood frogs, pussy willow hunt, cattail harvest.
Seeding, planting, watering, greenhouse management, raised bed building, willow harvest, weaving, frog study, baby chicks, egg study, pond watch, wild spring edibles foraging, foraged pizza, babies study, shiitake mushroom log innoculation, orchard pruning, forcing branches, trail maintenance and hiking, sheep shearing.
Seeding, watering, planting, harvesting spring greens and wild edibles, comfrey tea, fertilizing, flower gardens planted, veggie and herb gardens planted, greenhouse fully planted, animal care, wildflower study, fern study, garden pest study, trail hikes, yoga, raising tadpoles, 3 sisters study, pop-up farmstand, honeybee care.
Seeding, harvesting, weeding, foraging, strawberry and asparagus harvest, rhubarb harvest, jam making, fruit leather making, nest study, leaving the nest study, wild woods hikes, tick study, mouse study (tick tubes), predator study, beekeeping, Summer study, metamorphosis study, attempt to hike the 2 mile loop. A-Z spiral review.