About Us
Little Wings Farm and Forest Preschool is the culmination of almost 20 years of living, learning, hiking, farming and dreaming. It was founded in the fall of 2020 by a NYS Certified Early Childhood teacher ready for a classroom with no walls where she can teach what matters most to her. Aaren is an organic veggie farmer, homesteader and long distance hiker at home in the woods. She aims to help keep farming alive, to help support local farmers, to create a classroom without walls, and to create an army of little planet protectors. Little Wings serves 3, 4 and 5 year old children from Northern Saratoga County- namely the Saratoga Springs, Greenfield, Milton, Wilton, and Ballston Spa communities.

Our Farm
Little Wings students will be blessed with spending a part of their days in an idyllic farm setting just 10 minutes from downtown Saratoga Springs, NY. The farm feels both open and breezy with many little nooks and crannies and places for exploring. We have open fields, acres of forest, a 2 mile trail to a neighboring vineyard, a muddy wetland, a trickling stream bed, a bubbling and stinky secret mineral spring, a 50 ft. greenhouse always full of food, a large veggie plot, an orchard, a few berry patches, loads of trees to climb, a wooded area for sociodramatic play, hives of bees to tend, a flock of chickens, ducks and geese and 2 lovely Romney sheep we raise for wool. A lean-to is ready to erect with the help of some extra hands this spring to help us stay warm and dry.

Farm Field Trips
There will be plenty to do and learn on Wing Road Farm and the Little Winglets will always be busy, but other farmers are experts in other crops, animals or products. We will take monthly field trips to area farms, some requiring a bit of a drive, to see first hand what other farmers are up to, what they are growing, producing and making for their community. So far, field trips are organized to Saratoga Apple, Fossil Stone Vineyard, Featherbed Lane Farm, Native Farm Flowers, Pitney Meadows Farm, Merck Farm and Forest, Stoney Meadows Farm, and Greenfields Forever. We will visit, get a tour, learn and listen, and maybe even try some of the products from each farm! This is the cornerstone of our program because children learn best by observing and doing.